The online store issues an invoice for the payment of the requested products and the company’s accountant makes the payment from the account, that is, by transferring funds without cash. For the average buyer, it seems. The store charges a certain amount for the products purchased, and you pay it through the Bank.

Method, of course, convenient for organizations, but for ordinary buyers this way of buying does not fit, as they have to wait a long time. The store does not immediately send you the products, but will wait until the money reaches your score. Weekends, holidays and the whole procedure can take up to a week.

The only advantage is that you when you pay bills in the bank. inform all bank details of the company: the seller gives certain guarantees to the buyer. Payment purchases can be made on the receipt sent to your email. At the store, fill in all the boxes of the standard receipt for payment, showing the amount and bank details of the seller and print it on the printer, go to Sberbank and pay, and then inform the store.

Every day, users of online stores and Internet services with the possibility of paying by credit card become more and more. In addition to increasing the number of people facing various types of fraud. It’s very easy: pay the “one click”. Also only to lose at the same time, all the money retained on the card.

Ways to withdraw funds from the card
Payment by credit card through the Internet is associated with a serious risk of loss to deceive you in different ways, for example:
One of the most common methods of fraud is “phishing” (Russian fishing). The essence of phishing is to create an online store on the website with cheap and necessary products used by the user to “bite”, that is, buy the products. When paying, the client enters the data of the card and loses all the money.

The second non-specific Internet fraud method. It is related to the fact that when registering the order, the buyer leaves contacts. The following fraudsters will contact them and, under different pretenses, pose as employees of the Bank or mobile telephony operator, asking them to provide confidential information: password, PIN code or CVV2 / CVC2 credit card. Using this information, scammers quickly withdraw money from the card, paying for purchases or transferring funds to foreign accounts.

Another way to use another person’s credit card: infection by computer virus programs. These programs are intended to steal user information from the card with the introduction of the same (number, validity, etc.). The program saves and sends this information to the scammers. And then you can fire the money.

All these problems can be solved with the new “Hdac” project.
And now more details:

Hdac is the best IoT contract platform based on Blockchain.
The Hdac platform will create a trust base for the fourth industrial revolution by combining blockchain and IoT as an applied platform using fintech technology, creating a logical and efficient payment method, complying with the philosophy: ‘Beyond human payment’.


The philosophy is to drastically improve the payment environment in daily life using the Hdac platform. Examples of payments in daily life include contracts and payments, loans and investments, taxes and invoices. In addition, it will allow users to increase rational consumption, including telecommunications and energy expenses, making “smart management” possible.

By merging Blockchain with IoT, we maintain the basic principles while you are satisfied that your connectivity, from user to device, is among the most secure environments.


From the private to the public and vice versa, our Hybrid Blockchain is configured as a hidden network with a secure tunnel between a user and a device to combat hackers, invasions of privacy and external attacks. Remember, mutual authentication between device and user is crucial for a reliable Private Blockchain, which fundamentally will only be practical if it interacts with Public Blockchain.

The Hdac configuration creates a reliable and controlled ecosystem to implement Machine Currency for mutual contracts and payments between your devices. In short, it is taking its Internet of things above and beyond the human wage.

Choose Hdac. We are not only jumping on board a technological innovation, but we are turning it into a technological revolution.

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